Apps I have as a college student


College can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be when they are apps for almost everything you need. There are a ton of different apps for college students but, I have been in college for almost four years now and these are the apps that I use almost every day. 

If you are constantly online shopping for clothes and or food, then you need Unidays. I use this app every time I look for clothes online to get discount codes. They have a ton of different offers for fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, health, and technology from brands like H&M, Best Buy, and Hello Fresh.

I use GroupMe for all of my college classes. Usually, after we have the first day of class someone finds the student emails for everyone in the class, makes a group chat for the class and sends out a GroupMe link to everyone’s email. It is a great way to communicate with people in your class and for everyone to ask questions, especially if you missed a day and you need someone to fill you in.

Discord is similar to GroupMe and is a communication app. I use Discord mainly for communication between the different clubs that I am in at school.

Almost every student has used Zoom for their classes. This app is a must when taking online classes and even doing internships. I started a remote internship in September and I use Zoom all the time for our weekly meetings and get-togethers. 

Mint is a great budgeting app that I use to help me keep track of my everyday transitions. I can also set certain budgets for myself for things like food, gas, and school so that I can manage my spending.

Every time I go out with my friends we are always splitting the ride expenses for Ubers and other things. The app has a fairness calculator that allows you to split the money between you and your friends or family and make sure everyone gets paid back. You can also track and organize your expenses.

I have lost count of the number of essays that I have written in college, but I do remember it taking forever to edit them. During my sophomore year of college, I downloaded the Chrome extension to my computer and started using Grammarly for all of my writing assignments. It has helped me a lot, catching misspelled words that happen when I type fast that sometimes Google Docs doesn’t catch and helping me make my papers sound more formal or friendly.

Quizlet is one of the best studying tools and everyone I know either uses it or has used it before to study for a class. Quizlet allows you to create your own flashcards and study material for your classes but a lot of the time there is already material on the website that you can use because other students are studying and taking the same test as you.

Google Docs

I always write my papers in Google Docs instead of using Word documents, because my Grammarly is connected by my Chrome. I also have to share documents with people a lot and Google makes it easier to do so.

Google Calendar

Organization is one of the keys to success in college. If you could see my Google Calendar then you would see that it is filled with color-coded tasks that I have to complete every day. Every time I get a class syllabus I also put the dates down in my calendar and even if they change I can make a quick fix to the dates. Color-coding helps me organize certain tasks to specific classes and other things.

I use Spotify for listening to music and podcast on my way to and between classes. I also have a playlist that I listen to whenever I have to study.